Jerry Leekey and his friend Bert did some spear fishing yesterday and caught these two snappers and one other before they were run off by a 5 foot nurse shark.
Bert had speared a snapper when a nurse shark charged him and grabbed on to the fish and started violently shaking it with the spear still attached. Bert grabbed for his knife but dropped it while trying to hold on to the spear. He then accidently knocked his regulator off and put the emergency regulator on ( I am not to sure of that wording because I don't know anything about dive gear and I got this story second hand from Jerry's mom Sue), anyway the shark left Bert and then attacked Jerry even though Jerry had no fish. Jerry poked the shark in the nose and it finally backed off. Bert and Jerry then called it a day.
Navy Seals 0
Nurse Shark 1
PS Bert didn't go back for his knife.
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