This is Captain Gus of Bristol Court before his knee replacement. He is now walking with a cane and hopes to be well enough to enter the Hammer Point Dolphin Derby in May. The Grouper weighed 26 lbs and the Mutton about 12 lbs.
Captains Milt and Mike hold up their catch that was caught yesterday on the "Big Cat". Mike caught the 22 inch Red Grouper and the 26 inch Mutton Snapper.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Captain Glen of Cromwell Court caught this 29 lb. Grouper in one of his favorite fishing holes ( the secret spot ). He was fishing with son-in-law Dave and grandaughter Jenna.
Captain Rod and brother-in-law Keith caught some nice dolphin last week. Rod and his wife Kim are snowbirds from D.C. and are spending a few months on Westminester.
Captain Gus of Bristol Court, Hammer Point caught this nice 75 lb. Sailfish aboard the WahooVIII. He was fishing with his friend Captain Carlos and Gus's grandson Gus. Gus is recovering from a knee replacement operation but he hopes to be out on the Wahoo VIII real soon.
All those shrimp were caught on a warm Valentine's Day in Adam's cut by sisters Joycelyn and Cheryl. The Snapper were caught off of Davis Reef by Angela Graig and Cheryl.
Jenna and her family make a trip to the Keys every year to visit her grandparents, Glenn and Norma. Glenn can't wait for her to get here so she can catch him some snapper. She even filets the fish herself. Her and her sister Nicole would rather come to the Keys to fish instead of going to Disney World.
Bobby Sox Supel and Chick Esposito did a little back country fishing a few weeks back and Chick hooked this 12 lb.Goliath Grouper. The skinny waters have been making it almost impossible to get into some of the good fishing areas, but Captain Keysmon still manages to put his friends onto some heavy fish.