This photo of a Bone Fish was taken by Captain Dave Perkins. Dave does both off shore and back country charters. Check out his website at:
Glen and Norma had a good night shrimping on Tavernier Creek. They ended up with 3 gallons of shrimp. The shrimp have been running strong for the last week.
photo by Keysmon Captain Glenn took a night off from guiding last night and fished with the Keysmon. He was drifting shimp behind the boat and hooked into 3 nice size "Taapin". That's how they talk in Boston.
This is me and my friend Charlie drooling over Mike's Snook. Charlie really did not say that, but I know what he was thinking. Click on photo to read writing.
Captain Mike caught this nice Snook last night that just barely made it under the 33 inch slot. He was fishing aboard the Big Cat out of New Bedford, Mass. with Captain and chief photgrapher of Hammer Point, Milton Oliveira. The Snook weighed in at 15lbs. 4 oz. certified by Captain Keysmon. Mike also caught a 30 pound tarpon drifting a shrimp behind the boat.
Glenn Warrington Jr., son of Glenn and Norma of Cromwell Court did some snorkling and came up with a nice catch, four lobsters, an anchor and an old jug. The jug was filled with sand not wine.
Lady Fish are called the poor man's tarpon, I don't know why. Charlie Esposito caught a few LadyFish, Jacks and a couple of Snappers while fishing with Captain Keysmon in Tavernier Creek last night.
Photo by Milton Oliveira Captain Milton spotted this alligator while on a recent trip to the glades. I hope he used a telephoto lens for this picture. The American Alligator [Alligator mississippiensis] can grow up to 15 feet and weigh over 1000 pounds. Gators are sometimes seen in the Flamingo fishing area but are never seen in the Tavernier area, however there have been a lot of recent sitings of the American Crocodile [Crocodylus acutus] in the Key Largo and the Tavernier area.
photo by Jean Vetromile Captains Donald and Rick along with their first mates Jean and Diane took a trip up to Jewfish Creek on Captain Rick's FLATECELLANCE where Donald caught this nice 7 lb. Black Drum. Captain Donald lives on Aberdeen Court.