Friday, April 8, 2011


This male Manatee named Luigi was in the canal on Aberdeen Court.  It was hit by a prop some time today because Kit Curtin who has been studying Manatees for a long time said she saw it yesterday and it was fine.  That pink thing is his lung.  FWC were called and Officer Aaron Smith and officer Raquel Daniels arrived and kept an eye on it until the Manatee Rescue Team arrived about 6:00 PM.  They tried to corral it but to no avail.  The Manatee was very calm and was even eating out of the rescurer's hands.
By 9:00 PM the rescue team advised everyone that they would stop for the night and resume the rescue early in the morning. The Manatee seemed to be resting against a dock and they seemed to think it would be there in the morning.